
Sunday 24 July 2011

War-battered Tamils in Sri Lanka vote for rights, not for development

The war-weary Tamils in Northern Sri Lanka have opted for more autonomy and rights with casting an overwhelming majority of their votes to the candidates of the major Tamil party, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) at the local government elections held Saturday.

Despite the massive campaign launched by the ruling party United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) in the Northern districts promising a better future with the development of the war-battered region, the majority of the Tamils have voted for the TNA in Jaffna peninsula.

From the results released so far, the UPFA has won only Delft Pradeshiya Sabha with 84.33% of the votes securing 8 seats of the 9-member council.

The major constituent of TNA, Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi, has won 7 seats in Valvetithurai Urban Council with 76.36% votes, 7 seats in Point Pedro Urban Council with 72.62%, 9 seats in Chavakachcheri Urban Council with 76.84% and Valikamam while the UPFA received 2 seats in each local government.

In Valikamam North Pradeshiya Sabha, the TNA party had a earned 70.71% of the votes securing 15 seats in the 21-member council while UPFA secured the rest while in Valikamam South Pradeshiya Sabha, the TNA received 12 seats with 72.02% votes and UPFA came in second with 4 seats and 26.68% votes.

The TNA received 81.33% in Nallur Pradeshiya Sabha with 10 seats in the 12-member council.

The Tamil party also took control of Thunukkai Pradeshiya Sabha, the only local body contested this time, securing 7 seats of the 9-member assembly.

In Ampara district in the Eastern Province, the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi has won 4 seats with 52.71% votes and Sri Lanka Muslim Congress secured one seat with 29.08% of the votes. The UPFA came in the third place with 13.95%.

The TNA won a majority for Thirukkovil Pradeshiya Sabha in Ampara district with 72.87% of votes and 7 seats while the UPFA and the major opposition United National Party each secured one seat in the assembly.

In Trincomalee District the UPFA won the Kantale Pradeshiya Sabha with 65.21% of votes and secured 3 seats while the UNP earned 3 seats.

The UPFA secured a win in the Kuchchaweli Pradeshiya Sabha with 64.70% votes and 6 seats while Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi received 2 seats and the UNP in third with one seat.

However, the TNA took control of Trincomalee Town & Gravets Pradeshiya Sabha with 47.96% votes and 5 seats while the UPFA got 3 seats and UNP received one seat.

The polls in the North was much-watched by the local as well as international community since a victory for the ruling party meant that the Northern Tamils are endorsing President Mahinda Rajapaksa's policies and his goals for reconciliation while a victory for Tamil party would strengthen the demands for self-rule in the Tamil-dominated North and East.

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