
Tuesday 5 July 2011

Nikki Haley accused of putting personal interests ahead of state

Reports that Indian-American Governor Nikki Haley inked a book deal between signing vetoes has sparked anger in South Carolina, where Republicans are reportedly accusing her of prioritising her own fame and political interests over those of the state.

This could not only create problems for Haley now, but could even lead to much bigger troubles down the line, Politico reports.

A Republican said that the announcement that Haley, who many believe could end up being the Vice President of the country, inked a book deal between signing the vetoes, didn’t help.

“There’s a lot of people saying the staff is running a campaign instead of governing. What’s the book going to be titled? ‘How to lose friends and make enemies: My memoir’ by Nikki Haley?” Politico quoted a longtime Republican operative in the state, as saying.

Republicans are of the opinion that the book’s actual title, “Can’t Is Not an Option: My Story,” is aimed at portraying her as ‘a rising star’, while not giving emphasis on the ‘core function of government’.

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“Her public motivation is: that it is not a ‘core function of government,’” another South Carolina Republican operative said, adding that: “In the public realm, that’s a message you can sell. Within the party, people are more savvy and they know there’s more to the story than that.”

GOP insiders strongly believe that Haley voted to override former Republican Governor Mark Sanford’s vetoes of funds to state parties in 2007 ahead of the 2008 primaries.
She is also widely believed to be preparing herself for the 2016 presidential polls, a speculation that she has been denying at least as of now.

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