
Tuesday 3 May 2011

UN report opens old wounds healing after the war, Sri Lanka minister says

Sri Lanka's External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris informed the parliament today that the government would respond to the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on the report by the Panel of Experts appointed by him.

The Minister has said the government would explain to the UN Secretary-General about the post war reconciliation and development work in North and East since the conclusion of the war and the setback to that process the report could cause.

"What this report does is open old wounds that are healing after the war. It will only cause mistrust and hatred among the communities," he has said.

The Minister has planned visits to India and China to discuss in detail the panel report.

Prof. Peiris has added that the government would continue to work with the UN although it has published the panel report.

He has told the parliament that he has had a discussion with the UN Secretary-General over the telephone. However, the Minister has reiterated the government's position on the report and has rejected it.

The Spokesperson of the Secretary-General on Monday recalled that the UN had offered Sri Lanka the right to respond to the Panel of Experts report, and to have its response published. That offer still stands, he said during the daily press briefing.

"Should we receive an official response, we'll distribute it in the same way that we did the report of the Panel of Experts," the Spokesperson added.

The Sri Lankan government last month rejected the report saying that it is "fundamentally flawed in many respects".

"Among other deficiencies, the report is based on patently biased material which is presented without any verification," the government charged.

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