
Friday, 31 December 2010

India offers higher education scholarships to Sri Lankan students

The High Commission of India Colombo has announced the offer of forty scholarships for Sri Lankan nationals under the "Scheme of Scholarship for Nationals of Sri Lanka" for undergraduate courses and five scholarships under the "Commonwealth Scholarship/Fellowship plan" for postgraduate course in various Indian universities, during the forthcoming session of 2011 ' 2012.

A press release issued by the High Commission said it selects meritorious young Sri Lankan nationals for these scholarships, in consultation with the Sri Lanka's Ministry of Higher Education for pursuing various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in different universities.

The Ministry of Higher Education has invited applications from eligible candidates and the last date for submission of duly filled up application forms is 17th January, 2011.

All scholarships cover full tuition fees for the entire duration of the course and students are also paid a monthly sustenance allowance. The scholarship also covers accommodation allowance and an annual grant for books, stationary. Besides, all ICCR scholars in India are provided full healthcare facilities, first class train fare and an annual grant for educational tours to various parts of the country, apart from several other auxiliary benefits.

Further details of the above scholarship and application form can be down loaded from the Sri Lanka Ministry of Higher Education Website.

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